Tova Needs Your Vote!
Vote for TOVA Signature Eau de Parfum for Best Fragrance in the 2020 QVC Customer Choice Beauty Awards today! Our Founder and Passionate Leader, Tova Borgnine, has been bringing the...
Tova Needs Your Vote!
Vote for TOVA Signature Eau de Parfum for Best Fragrance in the 2020 QVC Customer Choice Beauty Awards today! Our Founder and Passionate Leader, Tova Borgnine, has been bringing the...
Tova Borgnine on QVC this week with a BIG DEAL!
Celebrate the Joy of July with a ΤΟVΛ® Fragrance BIG DEAL on #QVC! This special Collection is only available through July 22, 2020 at the BIG DEAL price of $49.98...
Tova Borgnine on QVC this week with a BIG DEAL!
Celebrate the Joy of July with a ΤΟVΛ® Fragrance BIG DEAL on #QVC! This special Collection is only available through July 22, 2020 at the BIG DEAL price of $49.98...